
A not so quick blog about Quicksort

This week we did a lot of algorithms in VCS. When we were doing sorting algorithms I found quicksort to be a bit of a stumbling block. So I figured I’d try my hand at a human legible explanation of it…then I realized I’d made a never-ending rant so …..sorry about that...

Linked Lists and Pigeons

This week at VCS we implemented a bunch of data structures in JS and since everyone loves their data structured I figured I should spread the joy. My hope is this will be part of a small series of posts that will build upon each other culminating in a test of our final data structure against a graphing problem on HackerRank. But first let’s talk about linked lists!

The Challenge of Communication
Philosophy and Programming

Today I find myself thinking about philosophy and it’s similarities with programming. At first glance the two seem quite disparate; most people think of philosophy as the long-winded, pedantic meandering thoughts of old men in lofty ivory towers, programming seems to stand in stark contrast with this because of it’s immense practical utility...

Using Generators for Dates

Generator are rather fun. Dates are rather not fun. Let’s make Dates a little more fun by using Generators and Iterators.

OOP and Private Vars in JS
Hide that Data

Ok, this isn’t quite intended as an actual defense of OOP - I just liked the title too much - but I am going to do a brief drive-by of what OOP is useful for.

When to Use Recursion
How I learned to love (tolerate) the infinite stack

Recursion, is it useful? This week I stumbled upon a definite use case and learned that the squirreler the recursive function the more likely it is that it’s necessary. Before we look at that let’s dive into recursion!

Asynchronous JS Programming Pitfall #1
As explained by an explorer of conceptual pitfalls

In my adventures in the magical land of JS last week I stumbled head-first into some problems with the time-space continuum..well mostly the time aspect but irregardless. I’d like to take a short trip into the land of JS and explore it’s relationship with time.

Switches be Damned, Rest, and Spread
CLI: a code-walkthrough

Let’s look at a few language features provided by JS to make our lives a little bit easier. To do this we’ll walkthrough some of the decisions you’d face when making a command line interface.

Making the Most of Git
I solemnly swear to version control like I'm up to no good.

I’ll be honest, I don’t use git. At least not in the way it seems you should. For longer than I care to remember I didn’t use it at all. Let’s take a trip back to those dark times, when it seemed like every hour or so was playing Russian Roulette with your program, it’ll be fun...

Quick HTML CSS Tip
To make the HTML nightmares go away

When I first began learning HTML / CSS it was an absolute nightmare. My navbars looked like jumbled cubes, my images hovered over each other, and the thought of someone viewing the site from a screen with different dimensions....oh gahd...